Advertise vacancies and training opportunities at the Advice Store and meet with Advice Store Manager to discuss future skills and recruitment needs
Provide high quality training opportunities that focus on improving skills, supporting job creation, including for those furthest from the job market
Seek opportunities to work with schools and colleges to help to ensure young people are equipped with the right skills to match the requirements of the labour market
Placing and promoting vacancies
Assessing immediate and/or future recruitment needs
Creating new apprenticeship or traineeship placement opportunities.
Choosing suppliers close to the point of service delivery wherever possible
Developing tender evaluation processes that reward those bidders that can demonstrate the creation of additional social value for Basildon
Commit to working with business representative bodies and other local agencies to help build the capacity of local SMEs and social enterprises to successfully bid for contracts
Developing targets to use local suppliers in your contracts
Encourage suppliers to endorse and embrace the principle of 'Buy Basildon' throughout their supply chain
Consider a range of media and advertising opportunities using a range of channels so you do not discriminate or end up with candidates from too narrow an audience
Include company benefits such as flexible hours, part-time work/job shares and working from home
An equality and diversity monitoring form should be filled in voluntarily and should state that the details will be used solely to build an accurate picture of the makeup of the workforce in encouraging equality and diversity
Monitoring can be done at a variety of different points in the employment cycle including recruitment, training, promotion, staff surveys, performance management, grievances and dismissals.